Artificial intelligence: the great leap forward ?

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Have you already played with #chatgpt? Our Senior Partner Yves CENSI was on the set of Tech & Co to talk about our barometer on artificial intelligence! 🤖

Alongside Céline Bracq, Claire Gourlier and of course, Frédéric Simottel, Yves Censi was able to back up the results of our #Innovation Barometer, in partnership with ODOXA and Kea & Partners. What are the reactions of the French public to the latest developments in the #IA?

Our latest barometer on DigitalTech Mascaret highlights the openness of the French towards AI, revealed by the arrival of ChatGPT. Understand, apprehend, to master the complementarity of man and machine. This is rather the current state of mind around artificial intelligence. However, a lot remains to be done to explain the concepts, to factualize and obviously to avoid the development of certain fears and fantasies…

Thanks to BFM Business BFMTV for having us. Find the details of our analysis below or with our friends from Odoxa!

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