Ecorama : presentation of our analysis to Guillaume Texier from Rexel

Mascaret X Boursorama : Benjamin Grange présente nos analyses à Guillaume Texier, PDG de Rexel

Twice a month, we are invited to the Boursorama Friday show to present the results of our #socialnetworking analysis. This week: Guillaume Texier, CEO of Rexel, was David Jacquot’s guest!

In summary: an indisputable reputation in #btob even if the activity remains poorly known to the general public.

It is certain that Rexel has many trump cards up its sleeve: an ambitious inclusion policy, a strong commitment to #decarbonation, and finally an expertise to share on #transitionenergetics and in particular on the acceleration of electrification.

Find here the Ecorama – La Grande Interview program, where David Jacquot offers the floor to our Benjamin Grange to present his guests with an overview of their perception in the online media and on social networks.