Europe watches over the french election

Intervention de Benjamin Grange dans l'émission Vu d'Europe

How far will the “Everything but Macron” take us? This is what our neighbors in Europe think when they observe the campaign for the second round of the 2022 presidential elections.

The 🇩🇪 Germans 🇩🇪 “see a far-right program […] where Marine Le Pen hits hard. They are surprised to see that the French can elect someone who hits Germany harder than Russia. “, explains Nadia Pantel, correspondent for the Süddeutsche Zeitung and guest, this Friday, April 16, 2022, of the program Vu D’Europe for LCP. She was accompanied by Richard Werly, correspondent for Le Temps in Paris, Alex Taylor, European journalist, and Benjamin Grange, President of Mascaret.

Seen from Europe: in France it is a question of giving everything to a president.

Seen from 🇨🇭 Switzerland 🇨🇭, “it is not surprising to see that 30% of French voters are in favor of this political camp [the far right]. The real surprise is basically the French political system which, at some point, can topple. In Germany, in Switzerland – parliamentary systems – they are coalition systems. In France it is a question of giving everything to a president. We still wonder: are the French capable of going that far? That is to say to hand over the keys of the house of France to a far-right candidate? »

Whether on the continent or outside, perceptions and opinions are similar. The results of this second round question and worry a lot. Many of them have the impression of living a “déjà vu” and to hope that the scenario will be the same as 5 years ago. Emmanuel Macron is criticized for having finally failed to reconcile the “two Frances”, and the media for only making a superficial presentation of the far-right candidate, who for the first time has a large reserve of votes – fruits of 5 years of waiting.

(Re)discover the entire program by following this link, you will find Mascaret’s analyzes on the subject.