MEDEF annual meeting: “transition” and “energy” are the omnipresent terms of this 2022 edition  

Created to replace the movement’s former “Summer University”, the #REF – Meeting of Entrepreneurs of France – has become unmissable, it is the “most influential #economic meeting of the fall… Two days to debate, exchange, confront ideas…” From August 29 to 30, 2022, the Longchamp racetrack in Paris welcomed government ministers, foreign heads of state, business leaders, experts and professionals in the fields of economics, finance and technological sciences under the theme of “Euro Visions”.

The program included more than 150 speakers, 30 debates, conferences, roundtables and keynotes led by the President Geoffroy Roux de Bezieux. “We had more registrations than usual this year. Bosses want to have perspectives and are looking for explanations on what is happening at the beginning of this five-year period”.  Indeed, the current geopolitical context is worrying: the anxieties created by a global inflation that is increasingly felt as well as by the climate crisis, the return of war in Europe … all subjects that require the attention and action of private enterprise become, today, political.

Benjamin GRANGE, Senior Partner & CEO of Mascaret (formerly Dentsu Consulting), was invited to the meeting of French entrepreneurs and led a round table with Joséphine Staron and Jacques Roujansky on the use of technology as an effective response to the challenges of frugality and energy transition. Interviewed in a program for the channel Acteurs publics, he explained how public-private cooperation could be useful to respond to today’s major economic and environmental challenges.

What to take away from REF 2022:

The government calls on companies and individuals to. More “general mobilization” in terms of energy sobriety.

What the Predisent of the MEDEF explained: “The plan of sobriety on which we discuss is mainly on two subjects: the temperature in the offices () and the mobilities of the daily life, by pushing the solutions of alternative transport to the individual car”

It is no longer taxation but the energy transition that has become the primary concern of members of the employers’ movement. 

Today, many citizens are asking companies to report on the various measures and solutions being considered to meet the climate challenge.

Recommendation: “Climate change: tech raises French hopes

In conclusion, all the employers’ movements seem to agree on participating in a cleaner, sustainable and decarbonized economy.

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Ailancy launches the Think Tank “Ambitious Finance” to think about the transformation towards a more sustainable finance

Ailancy, the leading French transformation consulting firm specializing in the banking, insurance and finance sectors, is launching the “Ambitious Finance” Think Tank in collaboration with Mascaret.

This initiative aims to redefine the role of the financial sector with regard to current environmental, societal and geopolitical challenges. The objective is to propose operational responses to accelerate the transformation towards a more sustainable finance. The work of the Think Tank, carried out in collaboration with the players in the financial sector (insurance, banking, finance, regulator and government) will enable everyone to take the necessary step back to accelerate their transformation.

This work is divided into three phases:

A research and inspiration phase with experts in the field: we have gathered the expertise of the sector’s key witnesses (Bertrand Badré, Christophe Harrigan, Alexandre Malafaye, Denis Duverne, Frederic de Saint-Sernin, Jean-Claude Mailly…).

A construction phase: based on the insights gained from our interviews, we invited executives and managers from the banking, insurance and finance sectors to an afternoon of co-construction on July 6, 2022 at the Cité Universitaire in Paris, a highly emblematic location.

This meeting was composed of round tables and co-construction workshops dealing with

  • The urgency to do things together
  • Regulations
  • ESG criteria

A proposal phase: we will publish a reference book that will be submitted to the government in the second half of 2022. This book will present operational responses to accelerate the transformation towards a more sustainable finance

Our ambition is to create a sustainable and transformative impetus for the banking, finance and insurance sectors.

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