Jean-Claude Mailly appointed Senior Advisor to Mascaret Partners

Jean-Claude Mailly joins Mascaret (formerly Dentsu Consulting) as Senior Advisor.

We are delighted to announce that Jean-Claude Mailly, former Secretary General of Force Ouvrière, has joined Mascaret as Senior Advisor.

Drawing on his expertise and 14 years’ experience at the head of the trade union, Jean-Claude Mailly will play a key role in supporting our customers on strategic and sensitive issues, particularly in the management and communication of relations between employees, management and social partners.

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Mascaret at Intersec 2024 Dubai

Mascaret at the heart of the international promotion of French innovation in security/safety/cybersecurity at Intersec 2024!

We are delighted to share that Mascaret (formerly Dentsu Consulting) was represented at Intersec 2024 Dubai by our senior partner, Reza SADRI. This event is renowned as a leading security, safety and cybersecurity show, attracting experts and industry leaders from all over the world, especially from the Asian continent.

The event provided an ideal platform to explore cutting-edge innovations and discuss emerging trends in the security sectors.

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Mascaret wishes you a happy new year 2024!

For Mascaret, 2023 was a pivotal year, synonymous with challenges and successes. New customers, partnerships with key players, international events, development of our offering, Agency of the Year award in the business communications category and, above all, a fund-raising campaign to provide us with the means to sustain our growth.

On the agenda for 2024: ramping up business communications, working on perception models, opinion and AI…

A big thank you to our employees, customers and partners for their trust, and may 2024 be a year full of success and ambition!

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Mascaret voted agency of the year 2023

🌊 Mascaret sails ahead: we’re voted Agency of the Year 2023 in the Business Communication category at the Agency of the Year Grand Prix. 🌊

This distinction is recognition for the entire team at Mascaret (formerly Dentsu Consulting), who instill passion and dedication to carry our value proposition high. Over the years, Mascaret has built up a unique expertise, requiring an excellent understanding of intangible assets and the aspirations of different stakeholders.

At Mascaret, we intervene at crucial moments when the perception of the company becomes a major economic issue. Our mission? To help our customers structure and enhance the value of their actions in the eyes of their stakeholders. We rely on three fundamental pillars:

💡Analysis of stakeholders’ perceptions of the company;
💡Analysis of intangible assets;
💡An ability to execute action plans led by experienced associates.

The Agency of the Year Grand Prix, a prestigious event traditionally sponsored by the Minister of Culture and the Secretary of State for the Digital Sector, has been rewarding excellence for over 40 years, and crowns a remarkable year for us. This distinction comes on top of the “Innovative Company” label awarded by Bpifrance and the announcement of our recent fund-raising. These successes augur well for 2024, promising a new wave of achievement and innovation!

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Mascaret announces its fundraising


Mascaret, leader in business communications consulting, welcomes Entrepreneur Invest fund to accelerate growth

Paris, December 07, 2023 – Mascaret (formerly Dentsu Consulting), a business communications consultancy, has opened up 23.8% of its capital to the Entrepreneur Invest fund, a leader in equity and convertible bond financing for growth SMEs.

We were looking for an investor to support the €10m of investments we intend to make over the next 3 years, and a genuine partner capable of accompanying us in this growth process. We naturally chose Entrepreneur Invest for its entrepreneurial philosophy and track record“, says Benjamin Grange, Senior Partner and Chairman of Mascaret.

This round of financing will enable the firm to further develop its proprietary tools and make targeted acquisitions to increase its market share in France.

We are delighted to support Benjamin Grange and his teams in their project to create a leader in business communications. We were seduced by their ambition to integrate and acquire talent and teams in this segment, in order to meet the transformation needs of corporate communications“, declares Bertrand Folliet and Marouane Bahri, Partners at Entrepreneur Invest.

Business communications, a market that has been growing for the past 10 years, is a response to the challenges faced by today’s executives: fostering a perception of the company’s economic value, promoting understanding of major transformations within the company, engaging stakeholders, mastering reputational risks linked to public opinion… Since its acquisition (2021) from the Dentsu group by its founders, Mascaret has offered this combination of expertise to provide a specific response to these new challenges.

Mascaret’s clients include executives from the SBF120, ETIs, SMEs, leaders of major projects, start-up bosses, investment funds, unions, territories, leaders of public entities, associations and political leaders.

About Mascaret

Founded in 2016 under the name Dentsu Consulting, Mascaret is now the leading business communications firm in France. Mascaret develops a company’s economic value, its expression and its perception by stakeholders (investors, market, shareholders, employees, civil society, institutional and socio-economic partners) at pivotal moments: acquisition, merger, exit, A/B/C/D fundraising, LBO, joint venture, securities transaction, refinancing, governance evolution, transformation plan, new leader, change of course, economic crisis. For public leaders and elected representatives, we support key electoral deadlines.

Mascaret teams operate in France and in 44 countries through the IPRN network. Mascaret’s governance is based on a partnership model that involves its entrepreneur-partners in day-to-day operations. For us, this is the only model that guarantees the long-term commitment of our teams to our customers.

To find out more:

About Entrepreneur Invest

Founded in 2000, Entrepreneur Invest is an independent, AMF-accredited asset management company specializing in unlisted investments. It manages funds in the fields of SME financing, real estate and funds of funds, for which it ensures the management, structuring and rigorous selection of partners.

Entrepreneur Invest was founded and is run by entrepreneurs who have successfully gone through the various stages of a company’s life: creation, development, turnaround, sale or IPO.

A major player in the financing of French companies, with €1.5 billion raised, Entrepreneur Invest has carried out over 250 equity and bond investments in SMEs, and currently supports nearly 100 companies in a wide range of sectors: software, industry, media & communications, education, tourism & leisure, B2B services, healthcare, e-commerce, etc. Entrepreneur Invest’s philosophy is to go beyond being a provider of capital by establishing an ongoing dialogue with managers, entrepreneur to entrepreneur, to assist companies in their strategic, commercial, operational and financial choices. This takes the form of experience-sharing between members of the investment team, participation in strategic discussions and access to a network of qualified partners.

To find out more:

fundraising fundraising

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Mascaret will be present at Intersc Dubai

🌟 Mascaret will be present at InterSec Dubai, one of the top security/safety/cyber event in the world, featuring over 1,000 exhibitors spread through 12 halls! 🌟 
📍 Location: Dubai World Trade Centre
📅 Date: 16 to 18 January 2024
We are thrilled to share that our esteemed Senior Partner, Reza SADRI, will be representing Mascaret (anciennement Dentsu Consulting) at the prestigious INTERSEC – EXPO trade show in Dubai! 
#Intersec is renowned as the leading trade fair for #Security, #Safety & #Protection, gathering experts and industry leaders from around the globe. This event presents an unparalleled opportunity for networking, exploring cutting-edge innovations, and discussing emerging trends in security and safety. Reza Sadri will be available to meet with clients, industry partners, and fellow experts to discuss how Mascaret can help navigate the landscape of corporate communications on complex issues. 
🔗 Don’t hesitate to contact us if you wish to arrange a meeting with during the trade show! 
Let’s connect, explore, and innovate together at Intersec in Dubai! 

#Innovation #Networking #Consulting #GlobalLeadership #Cyber #Cybersecurite #Cybersecurity #CybersecurityAwareness

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Mascaret at the European Business Summit

🇪🇺 Mascaret was present at the European Business Summit 🇪🇺

We had the privilege of taking part in the European Business Summit on Wednesday November 29. This key event on the European scene brought together eminent personalities from the European Commission, European governments and leading companies such as Amazon and Google.

This year’s central theme was: The 2024-2029 EU Agenda: Strong Business for a Stronger Europe. We took part in a series of exciting conferences exploring Europe’s digital future, the topics of artificial intelligence and the circular economy, as well as the regulatory challenges of the digital world. At the heart of this edition, a key issue emerged: How can we make digital a vector of growth, resilience and sustainability for Europe?

This event has not only strengthened our commitment to actively contribute to Europe’s resilience and prosperity, but also provided us with new perspectives to help our customers succeed in these ever-changing sectors.

This summit, which brings together the worlds of business and politics, enables us to consolidate our presence and relationships on the European stage, so that we can better support our customers in their projects!

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Odoxa-Mascaret poll: the French no longer believe in COP28

🌍 Despite the growing importance of the environment to the French, 80% doubt that #COP28 in Dubai will succeed in achieving its goals. 🌍

Mascaret is proud to present the results of its survey, in partnership with ODOXA for Capital France, BFM Business and The Good. In this analysis, we take a look at how the French perceive COP28 and #ecologicaltransition.

COP28 opens this Thursday in Dubai, but for 8 out of 10 French people, it will not achieve its objectives. 70% think it comes too late and 68% are shocked by the choice of #Dubai for an environmental summit. What’s more, 58% of those polled even consider that this COP will not be beneficial for the image of the Gulf countries.

Bitterly, public confidence in the “COP” mechanism has declined, dropping 9 points since COP21 in Paris. In retrospect, 82% of French people feel that COP21 was a failure.

However, this growing #distrust is in line with the emergence of ecological concerns among the French: 9 out of 10 French people feel that protecting the #environment is an important concern. The debate between the end of the month and the end of the world seems to have partially subsided: 60% of those questioned believe that in times of crisis, environmental policies should be pursued, as they are not incompatible with growth and employment.

While the French have changed their habits – 87% say they are careful to limit their #environmentalimpact – more than two-thirds say they are dissatisfied with government action in this area, and say they don’t feel well-informed by the public authorities on the policies put in place for the ecological transition.

Find out more about the ODOXA-Mascaret survey below:

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Odoxa-Mascaret political barometer: the consequences of the conflict in France

A difficult month for all political staff, while the consequences of the conflict in the Middle East continue to have an impact on French society…

Every month, Mascaret (formerly Dentsu Consulting) publishes a political barometer, in collaboration with ODOXA and Public Sénat, to take the temperature of #opinionpublique. Discover below an extract from L’œil de l’expert by Benjamin GRANGE and Yves CENSI.

The French are gradually turning away from the subject of Israel-Palestine: while the conflict in the Middle East continues unabated, its influence on French society is diminishing. All political players are seeing their media presence decline, or at least remain stable, and mentions of Israel or Palestine on the networks are steadily decreasing, from an average of 700,000 mentions per week at the end of October to 200,000 mentions at the end of November. But the issue of #antisemitism leaves deep political scars… Conflict-related events remain the biggest media peaks of the last 30 days. This month’s major event, the march against anti-Semitism organized by Yaël BRAUN-PIVET and Gérard Larcher, provoked much debate. The absence of the President of the Republic was a topic for analysts, but for the general public, it was above all the issues around the #LFI and #RN parties that divided.

The RN and Marine Le Pen: the big winners? Rassemblement National figures have found themselves in the spotlight this month.The topic of the ex-Front National’s presence at a march against anti-Semitism raised questions on #socialnetworks. Marine Le Pen saw an impressive rise in mentions (+65%) and engagements (+140%), as did Jordan Bardella (+75% and +185% respectively).While the sequence benefited the former, reducing his negative sentiment from -85% to -65%, the latter’s intervention on BFMTV on November 5 (“I don’t believe Jean-Marie Le Pen was anti-Semitic”) was very badly perceived, temporarily sinking his perception from -45% to -70%.The figure of the former party boss thus remains a repulsive scarecrow for the French, without however harming his daughter.For his part, Jean-Luc Mélenchon is no longer the center of conversation, seeing his mentions drop by a third (-37%) and his rating stabilize at -65%, compared with an average of -80% since the start of the conflict.

Find out more about the full ODOXA-Mascaret survey below:

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Mascaret-Odoxa poll: Youth in France, caught between perceptions, preconceptions and reality

Who are young French people? Our latest exclusive survey reveals that clichés don’t always reflect reality: 8 out of 10 of the youth are proud to be French, and 7 out of 10 are optimistic about the future, even though half believe they are suffering from a social downgrade compared to their elders! Yves CENSI, Senior Partner of Mascaret, was at the #AcademieSynopia to detail these results.

The Synopia Academy took place on Monday 21st, organized by our partners Synopia, the Governance Laboratory, in association with the World Forum for a Responsible Economy. Synopia gives the floor to eminent speakers from the institutional, political and economic worlds, to inspire debate on societal and governance issues. Yves CENSI, Senior Partner of Mascaret, took advantage of the event to present the exclusive results of our ODOXA survey on youth in France.

This survey examined French perceptions of today’s youth, comparing the views of 18-34 year-olds with those of the general population. Beyond the sometimes spectacular confirmations, it also brings its share of surprises and goes against certain preconceived ideas.

It’s important to remember that 80% of 18-34 year-olds surveyed said they were #proud to be French. This is more or less the same level as their elders (79%), and flies in the face of the widespread preconception that young people no longer feel any attachment to their country.

They are also more #confident in the future: 51% say they are optimistic and 21% very optimistic. They are therefore more hopeful than the general population (68% in total). It should be noted, however, that feelings of #apathy and #discouragement are also higher (respectively 49 and 54% vs. 41 and 45%): young people are therefore more likely to often feel extreme emotions.

This is borne out by their sense of #socialclassification: half of 18-34 year-olds think their situation is worse than that of their parents at their age. And only a quarter think it’s better. These figures are similar to those for the general population, but are steadily rising: only 17% felt downgraded in 2002.

As a logical result, all generations agree on one point: three-quarters of those surveyed are convinced that young people are being let down by public policies. This trend is reflected in a crisis of #confidence and a record #abstention (42% of 18-24 year-olds). Young French people tend to #engage in an associative cause (81%), reflecting their strong desire for solidarity.

This survey reshuffles the deck when it comes to the perception of young people in France, far from the clichés that are all too often perpetuated. It’s a message that needs to be conveyed loud and clear by all the country’s socio-economic players. Visit our website for the full #survey and our #analyses.

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