Mascaret awarded the “Innovative Company” label by BPI France

Mascaret is an #InnovativeCompany! We are proud to announce that Mascaret (formerly Dentsu Consulting) has received the “Innovative Company” label from Bpifrance 🦾🥇.

This qualification is the result of our dedication to pushing back the boundaries of business communication. It is also a renewed commitment to our customers and employees. Today, we are more determined than ever to explore new ideas and technologies to gain in productivity and efficiency.

Finally, a big thank you to our teams for their unfailing dedication, to our partners for their confidence, and to the BPI for this “Innovative Company” distinction!

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Mascaret accompanies its partners to the WomenForFuture conference

🌟 “Women are the world’s greatest reservoir of untapped talent”, said Hillary Clinton. Mascaret was honored to accompany its partners on this momentous event that is WomenForFuture! 🌟

A day to exchange views with inspiring women such as Betty Seroussi, Fabienne ARATA-CAMPS, Ayumi Moore Aoki on the place of women in the professions of the future. It’s all about economic performance, as Cecile BIASIO pointed out. At a time when 85% of jobs need to be reinvented, parity in the digital sector would boost France’s GDP by 10% (source: McKinsey). And as Elisabeth Richard reminded us: “Let’s never stop moving forward, because if we stop, the current will take us backwards.”

Our Associate Director Stéphanie Laurent was on hand to remind us that diversity and inclusion are essential drivers of business success, and this forum highlighted the fundamental role women play in the growth and prosperity of companies. We had the opportunity to join this discussion, and the day was rich in inspiration and the sharing of ideas!

Thanks to La Tribune for organizing the event. Thanks to Chiara Corazza, Sophie Iborra, Tatiana de Francqueville for making this WomenForFuture event possible.

#GenderDiversity #EconomicPerformance #Women’sLeadership

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Mascaret – Synopia – Minerve conference at the École Militaire

On Thursday September 28, Yves Censi, Senior Partner of Mascaret (formerly Dentsu Consulting) attended the conference “How to restore trust in Democracy” organized by Synopia, the Governance Laboratory, in partnership with Association des Etudiants MINERVE (AEM). A rich discussion in the presence of Jacky Isabello, business leader and communications expert, Didier Le Bret, diplomat and author, Jean Claude Mailly, former General Secretary of Force Ouvrière, and Joséphine Staron, Director of Studies and International Relations for Synopia.

Faced with a growing loss of confidence in democracy on the part of the French people, it is becoming imperative to rethink the way we do and live democracy. It is essential to reflect on the mobilization of all the players who contribute to the smooth running of democracy, as well as on the integration of the long term into a democratic process which, by its very nature, is constantly evolving. In this context, communication and the perception of actors and events are increasingly shaping reality.

The points of view of the four speakers led to an overview and solutions around three main themes:

➡️ How to make popular consultation and information gathering useful;
➡️ How can social partners, especially employee unions, develop their capacity to express socio-economic needs in decision-making processes?
➡️ How can majorities and minorities express themselves in a media ecosystem that is changing attitudes and behavior on a daily basis?

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