The financing of innovation in SMEs and ETIs, the basis of our future sovereignty

In France, 51% of the added value is generated by SMEs and ETIs. Our CEO, Benjamin GRANGE, was once again offered to express himself on the subject in the Sovereignty Letter pages of the MEDEF of Eastern Paris, MEDEF 93+94. He comes back to talk at length on the financing of innovation in #SME and #ETI, the basis of our future sovereignty!

Find the full analysis of Benjamin Grange in La Lettre M or on our website below:

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A difficult end to the year? A “lightning rod” Prime Minister; the French enjoy a Christmas lull

Once a month, Mascaret and its partner ODOXA offer you a political barometer to take the temperature of public opinion. This month : Elisabeth Borne is the target of all the criticism, Christmas and the World Cup help the morale of the French. Benjamin GRANGE and Yves CENSI share their analysis of social networks:

Risk of power cuts: the president flies to the rescue… of his government

Emmanuel Macron, who had recently taken a back seat, is gradually returning to the forefront of the media scene (+10% of mentions compared to last month). If he tries to surf on the craze caused by the French team – an approach that meets a strong skepticism among Internet users – it is especially on the subject of possible power cuts that he feels the need to intervene. Indeed, as the holidays approach, the French are very worried about these recent warnings, and the attempts of government members to reassure the public have not been enough. Bruno Le Maire, Olivier Véran, Élisabeth Borne… all of them are quickly pointed out by the opinion. The Prime Minister in particular has crystallized all the criticisms aimed at the political agenda of the majority, with pension reform and repeated use of Article 49-3 in mind. Indeed, she has reached her historical peak of negative sentiment since she took office: 80.1% of her mentions are negative!

The holidays and the World Cup are boosting French morale: a Christmas truce before the inflationary storm?

While one might have thought that the ambient gloom, rising prices and political conflicts would dampen the spirits of the French, it would seem that they have decided to take a welcome break. A breath of fresh air at the end of this anxious year, the good results of the French team in the World Cup are the number one topic of discussion this month with 1.8M mentions. Christmas and New Year are also a source of joy and resist the threats of inflation and price increases: the French are not letting themselves be put off and are still looking forward to this time of year. Beware, however, weak signals are beginning to appear: historical success, for example, of contests organized by e-commerce platforms of all kinds. People are desperately hoping to embellish their Christmas with beautiful gifts to put under the tree: the hashtag #Contest is more used and shared than the hashtag #Christmas!

Find the full survey below or on the Odoxa website.

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Tech: GAFAM, giants with feet of clay?

Once a month, Mascaret (formerly Dentsu Consulting) and its partner ODOXA offer you a #Innovation Barometer to explore the general public’s relationship to the evolutions of this world. This month: GAFAM, a perception in trouble!

We share with you the “Eye of the Expert” section, in which Benjamin GRANGE details our analysis of #socialnetworks:

We no longer speak of “GAFAM”

Whether it’s about the “GAFAM” group or the associated mentions of these five large companies, the fact is that the category is less and less identified. Two key factors explain this dynamic. First, the multiplication of industry players that can be described as “Tech Giants”, which are making the news (Uber, Netflix, Twitter), American (Airbnb, Tesla) or not (Alibaba, Baidu, Tencent). In fact, it is becoming difficult to limit the problems created by these companies (personal data management, digital sovereignty, influence on public opinion, etc.) to GAFAM alone. Secondly, the new generation (led by “Gen Z”) no longer finds much meaning in this category, which is no longer in line with their use of social networks. They prefer Twitter, Tik-Tok or Instagram – which they differentiate from Facebook – and do not think of them as “companies” in the first place.

This outdated identification divides critics

As a consequence of this abandonment of the term, the small groups that speak loudest are gaining volume share. The less in tune opponents (personalities from the left as well as from the right) use it in their criticisms, but it is mainly the conspiracy groups that have reappropriated it. We find the classic elements of language, boosted by the anti-vax movement: the nebulous GAFAMs would have helped Bill Gates to introduce 5G in vaccines, etc. This mix of ideological genres is nevertheless a good reflection of mainstream criticism, which remains omnipresent and multi-partisan: risks of monopolies, foreign influence, power of private actors… The perception of the “Tech Giants” is getting worse overall, but if everyone agrees on the danger of the situation, few agree on the solution.

Find the whole survey below or on the Odoxa website.

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The Republicans: sympathizers for an alliance

To present this month’s political barometer, Mascaret (formerly Dentsu Consulting) was invited to Sens Public, the Public Sénat program presented by Thomas HUGUES. Benjamin GRANGE was able to present our analysis of #social networks to the guests on the show: Gael Sliman, president of ODOXA, Pascal Perrineau, professor at Sciences Po, Laetitia Krupa, editorialist for Public Sénat, and Beatrice Giblin, director of the magazine Hérodote. A look at the situation at the Republicains and the Greens!

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