Macron: the war of succession is on!

Between the abaya ban, the crisis in Lampedusa and the Pope’s visit to Marseille, online discussions are lively. Among the questions driving public opinion, one persists: who will win the succession of Emmanuel Macron in 2027?

While 50% of French people surveyed are unanimous in saying that Edouard Philippe is the ideal Renaissance candidate, 29% are thinking more of Gabriel Attal, whose popularity has risen this month. Has the war of succession become official?

On Public Sénat’s Sens Public program, Yves Censi, senior partner at Mascaret, looks back at the political news.

The first half of this year has been marked by heated debates on subjects that have weighed heavily on public opinion. These included pension reform and debates on the democratic deficit. Once these issues had faded into the background, interest in politics began to wane. This trend is finally being reversed, with the new political season focusing on highly controversial issues whose long-term future is still uncertain.

For a detailed analysis, check out the #baropol presented by Mascaret (formerly Dentsu Consulting) and its partner ODOXA, as well as the complete program presented by Thomas HUGUES with Yves CENSI, Céline Bracq, Yael Goosz, Bastien François and Emilie Zapalski.

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Odoxa-Mascaret political barometer: succession and controversy

From the abaya to the Fête de l’Huma, controversy creates engagement in a context of succession to the President of the Republic. 🗣️🔊🎭

Mascaret (formerly Dentsu Consulting) publishes a monthly political barometer, in collaboration with ODOXA and Public Sénat, to take the temperature of public opinion. Discover below an excerpt from L’œil de l’expert by Benjamin GRANGE and Yves CENSI.

The mentions and commitments of almost all political figures – majority and opposition alike – have exploded compared to the summer: the new political season is official. However, some fared better than others. These include Gerald Darmanin, Édouard Philippe and Gabriel Attal, who have multiplied their appearances on the national stage. They were able to make their presence felt on subjects that provoke debate and confrontation on the social networks. The dizzying rise in attendance is symptomatic of a phenomenon of crystallization of opinion.

The climate is getting tense. The rule of thumb this month is that #polemics generate engagement. The presence of singer Médine, the PR whistled at the Rugby Cup, the crisis in Lampedusa… the end of summer and the beginning of autumn were punctuated by controversies, whose media forms are easily recognizable: after a few peaks in mentions they quickly disappear from the news. However, one topic dominated all the others: the ban on wearing the abaya in schools. With almost 1.5 million mentions and nearly 9 million reactions in just one month, the abaya generated more content and reactions than all the other debates put together!

Find out more about the full ODOXA-Mascaret poll below:

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