Odoxa-Mascaret political barometer: unpopularity and radicalization online

Online discussions about Emmanuel Macron reach their highest level since the presidential election… and their details reveal the radicalization of resentment towards the head of state.❗📣❗

Once a month, Mascaret (formerly Dentsu Consulting) and its partner ODOXA bring you a Political Barometer to take the temperature of public #opinion. This month, Emmanuel Macron and the members of the government are experiencing an avalanche of negative opinions on the web: “The record goes to the Minister of the Interior with a peak of 90% of negative opinions!” We also observe a strong radicalization of online discourse, against the government, but also against the police. On the opposition side: François Ruffin is doing well with 45% of positive opinions, Fabien Roussel has a strong commitment (+240% compared to last month) while Eric Ciotti, more discreet, has a decline of 65%. In the background, Marlène Schiappa and the Marianne Fund affair continue to animate the conversations of the French online.

Find on our website all our analyses, presented by Yves Censi in the program Sens Public of Public Sénat alongside Thomas HUGUES, Emilie Zapalski, Céline Bracq, Mathieu Souquière, Jean-Sébastien Ferjou for Atlantico.

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Ecorama : presentation of our analysis to Guillaume Texier from Rexel

Twice a month, we are invited to the Boursorama Friday show to present the results of our #socialnetworking analysis. This week: Guillaume Texier, CEO of Rexel, was David Jacquot’s guest!

In summary: an indisputable reputation in #btob even if the activity remains poorly known to the general public.

It is certain that Rexel has many trump cards up its sleeve: an ambitious inclusion policy, a strong commitment to #decarbonation, and finally an expertise to share on #transitionenergetics and in particular on the acceleration of electrification.

Find here the Ecorama – La Grande Interview program, where David Jacquot offers the floor to our Benjamin Grange to present his guests with an overview of their perception in the online media and on social networks.

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Climate change: a lot is expected of FoodTech!

66% of respondents want FoodTech to focus on developing sustainable agriculture and more responsible consumption.

The sector will have to offer increasingly innovative solutions to meet this expectation… and prove right the 58% of respondents who believe that technology can help improve the quality of food.

“Delivery, but also online reservation or rating systems, diet applications or consumption habits modification (especially with an environmental perspective)…the French people who talk about FoodTech are numerous: 320,000 mentions on social networks spread over the last thirteen months!” specifies Benjamin GRANGE, Senior Partner of Mascaret.

“This concerns a younger generation. Those who entered through the #uberization systems are now looking for something totally different and this will have an impact on the application market ” develops Yves CENSI during the TECH&CO BUSINESS program on BFM Business.

Once a month, Mascaret (formerly Dentsu Consulting) and its partner ODOXA offer you an Innovation Barometer to explore the relationship of the general public to the evolutions of this world.

Find on our website the whole survey and the “Expert’s eye” section, in which we detail our analysis of #social networks. You can also watch the replay of BFMTV’s Tech&Co program where Yves Censi presented our barometer alongside Emile Leclerc for Odoxa, Claire Gourlier for Kea & Partners and Frédéric Simottel.

Find on our website the whole survey and the “Expert’s eye” section, in which we detail our analysis of #social networks. You can also watch the replay of BFMTV’s Tech&Co program where Yves Censi presented our barometer alongside Emile Leclerc for Odoxa, Claire Gourlier for Kea & Partners and Frédéric Simottel.

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Mascaret X Challenges: new power networks and influencers

We are proud to have been able to collaborate with the leading newspaper Challenges on their latest cover story: New #power networks and influencers! 📰📲💡

Mascaret, a leader in business communication, was asked by Challenges’ teams to analyze influencers and their economic potential: network mappings, personality studies, #revenue projections and influencer rankings… Our teams multiplied approaches to provide Gilles Fontaine and Thuy-Diep Nguyen with a maximum of elements.

You will find several interventions of our Senior Partner Benjamin GRANGE, among other portraits – Lena Situations, Isabel Marant, Hugo Travers/HugoDécrypte, Thomas Pesquet – and interviews – Ruben Victor Cohen and Rubben CHICHE for Follow Agency, Pierre-Hubert Meilhac for Ogilvy Paris. Our firm brings its expertise on the current state of influencer networks, especially their value and valuation as intangible #assets to the world of #companies and #brands. We are delighted to be recognized for our #analysis and #advice work and we thank the Challenges editorial team for this partnership.

You can find all of our articles in the April issue, in print on newsstands or in digital format on the Challenges website.

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Ecorama : Benjamin Grange presents our analysis to Christophe Périllat from Valeo

Our CEO Benjamin GRANGE was invited this Friday on Boursorama to present to Christophe Périllat our analysis on Valeo’s online reputation. The result? A very positive #perception for the company, around the triptych innovation, French pride and social dialogue! 🚗

In this new insert of Ecorama – La Grande Interview, David Jacquot offers the floor to our #analysts to present his guests with a quick overview of their perception in online media and on #social networks.

This week, it was Mr. Christophe Périllat, Valeo’s CEO, who could react to this overview of the image that Internet users have of the company. The results are positive for the French automotive supplier, as their values of #innovation and #development are at the top of the list in the minds of the French! The company’s stance in favor of #MadeInFrance was also widely praised, while social dialogue also emerged as one of the key issues related to the brand’s image.

Join us soon in a future Ecorama program for a new overview of a major French company!

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Artificial intelligence: the great leap forward ?

Have you already played with #chatgpt? Our Senior Partner Yves CENSI was on the set of Tech & Co to talk about our barometer on artificial intelligence! 🤖

Alongside Céline Bracq, Claire Gourlier and of course, Frédéric Simottel, Yves Censi was able to back up the results of our #Innovation Barometer, in partnership with ODOXA and Kea & Partners. What are the reactions of the French public to the latest developments in the #IA?

Our latest barometer on DigitalTech Mascaret highlights the openness of the French towards AI, revealed by the arrival of ChatGPT. Understand, apprehend, to master the complementarity of man and machine. This is rather the current state of mind around artificial intelligence. However, a lot remains to be done to explain the concepts, to factualize and obviously to avoid the development of certain fears and fantasies…

Thanks to BFM Business BFMTV for having us. Find the details of our analysis below or with our friends from Odoxa!

#consulting #consulting #tech #artificial intelligence #business #opinion #digitaltransformation

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The financing of innovation in SMEs and ETIs, the basis of our future sovereignty

In France, 51% of the added value is generated by SMEs and ETIs. Our CEO, Benjamin GRANGE, was once again offered to express himself on the subject in the Sovereignty Letter pages of the MEDEF of Eastern Paris, MEDEF 93+94. He comes back to talk at length on the financing of innovation in #SME and #ETI, the basis of our future sovereignty!

Find the full analysis of Benjamin Grange in La Lettre M or on our website below:

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The Republicans: sympathizers for an alliance

To present this month’s political barometer, Mascaret (formerly Dentsu Consulting) was invited to Sens Public, the Public Sénat program presented by Thomas HUGUES. Benjamin GRANGE was able to present our analysis of #social networks to the guests on the show: Gael Sliman, president of ODOXA, Pascal Perrineau, professor at Sciences Po, Laetitia Krupa, editorialist for Public Sénat, and Beatrice Giblin, director of the magazine Hérodote. A look at the situation at the Republicains and the Greens!

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The political staff in trouble

Yves CENSI, Senior Partner of Mascaret (formerly Dentsu Consulting), spoke in Sens Public, the Public Sénat program presented by Thomas HUGUES. This week, a political staff in trouble with the current economic situation! 📉

“On social networks, the expression is above all emotional. What has been noted in the last month is a particularly difficult period for all political staff, government and opposition. The issues of the moment are hard ones, impacting the French: climate, cost of living, conflicts, controversies, etc. We can therefore see a strong anger rising, which is born of a mismatch between political discourse and the answers expected by citizens. This anger takes the form of mockery, and the result is a rise in anti-system speakers.

Find the whole speech of Yves Censi on our website or by clicking on the link below.

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Are electric cars really attractive to the French?

Following the publication of our October Innovation Barometer on electric cars, Benjamin GRANGE was on the BFMTV set to further analyze our results.

“When the French talk about electric cars, it’s not a subject like any other. It’s an emotional subject, eminently linked to freedom. Today, when you listen to them on social networks, it’s very clear: electric cars are great, but only when you’re urban or suburban. When you drive long distances, you’re not there at all. Terminals, autonomy, etc., the observation is clear.

The question that is currently being asked in connection with this dynamic, and which is linked to the economic situation, is: “what is the best way to buy? The French are talking about it a lot: gasoline – will we have it for very long – or electric cars – and their rising costs. And as with other mobility issues (electric cars, electric scooters, for example), the division is very deeply generational: the under-35s have much more positive perceptions of these issues and their themes (uses, ecology, investment) and this has a major influence on the positions taken and public policies.

You can find below all of Benjamin GRANGE’s interventions on BFM Business’ Tech & Co, presented by Frédéric Simottel, alongside our partners Emile Leclerc from ODOXA and Fabrice Catala for Kea & Partners.


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